Now with that awkward statement hanging in the air.... Picture time!
This is Brian, calmly navigating his way through the winding road through the Sierra Nevada. Yes, he is actually driving. Yes, the car is actually moving.

This is a pile of funny shaped rocks on the side of the road. Sadly enough, it was the most interesting thing I saw all day long. >_<

We finally got to Heather's house! Finally, we can leave behind us the unending monotony of driving past the same bit of scrub brush and identical mountain ranges to the soothing, relaxing environment of five children under the age of ten under one roof.
Much fun. ^^

Above is a picture of Clancy's Ice Cream Parlour and the Marina, equipped with water toys you can climb on. Lot's of fond memories of Clancy's Bubblegum Ice Cream. Probably the only Ice Cream you chew and lick at the same time.

Chinatown! Now, you can't gather four Parrys in a car, stick them in San Francisco, and expect no shannaneggins. After navigating the insane streets, driving down a 75 degree angle, and doing the touristy thing at Pier 39 we eventually had to call it quits. Even professional hooligans, such as ourselves, can only manage so much in one evening.
This post is getting super long, so I'll post my pic of the Jelly Belly factory, which we toured and call it quits. When I get the chance, I'll post more pictures, including some of Heather's chilluns. The factory tour was so funny though. They kept showing us these videos about the history of the company, and they were so full of it! There were going on and on and on about their fame, their noteriety, and how they revolutionized the candy-making industry! I was just in it for the free samples.... :P