As promised to half a dozen people, here are the pics of Kaylee I've been collecting over the last month or so. I figured that after a week or so the whole "Oh, she's sooo CUTE!" factor would wear off-- nope. Just no. She's still just as adorable as she was when I first got here. The other thing about this adorable little munchkin is just the petite way she's built-- after getting used to her, I looked around and concluded that all Virginia babies must be trolls! No seriously, they all look like little trolls with rolls of fat and misshapen heads.
Anyways, on to the pictures!

Kaylee in her "Da da"'s spinny chair. I saw this and thought of the caption: "And I want those files on my desk by morning."

Mohawk baby!!!! All she needs now is combat boots and a leather jacket.....

Baby in a tub! We actually kept trying to think up a water activity for her that didn't involve us worrying about her slipping and hitting her head on the faucet.... So we filled her toy tub with water and let her play in it while I blew bubbles at her.

Here's Kaylee in her Jenny-Jump-Up which she loves-- though she does very little jumping compared to how often she likes to twist the support rope and spin until her head starts revolving in the opposite direction. She's cute when her eyes start focusing again....

This is Kaylee getting ready for our morning walk. Kelly, somehow, is not only always pushing the stroller but moving miles faster than I am. >_< I feel like such a pansy! Where is the physical superiority of my youth!?!? Where!?!?

Here is baby taking a de-stresser in her Jenny-Jump-Up. After all, she has to keep to grown busy all day crawling after her and keeping her from putting things in her mouth.

Baby in a swing! It's just awesome how big she's getting. Not only is she starting to use sounds like words, but she swings herself in her chair.

This is the kiddo sulking. Not only did she have to suffer the indignity of me scrubbing her face, I changed her diaper and put clothes on her too.
This is Kaylee falling in love with my phone. I swear, she tried to make out with it.
Grocery shopping with this child is definitely... an experiance. There must not be a lot of babies in Virginia (though there is a shocking number of obese children) because every time we go shopping we gather a crowd (usually of people aged 45+). Everyone wants to coo at her and ask how old she is and isn't she darling, etc.... She handles the attention with great patience for her age, though. She's only screamed at someone once!
Anyways, I'll try and post some more pics later.
Anyways, I'll try and post some more pics later.
See ya!
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